YouTube For Realtors - 4 PRO TIPS I learned Creating 13 Real Estate YouTube Channels
4 PRO TIPS I learned in Creating 13 Real Estate YouTube Channels. If I told you in 2021 that our real estate YouTube channels closed 170 homes FOR FREE would you believe me?
If I can prove to you in this blog, will you promise me one thing? At the end I have a YouTube channel teaching YouTube For Realtors with over 500 videos showing you exactly how to get free real estate leads forever with real estate YouTube channels… would you check it out?
Don’t leave yet, I have to teach you exactly how you can create your very own real estate YouTube channel, stop cold calling and paying for terrible real estate leads, and start attracting your dream clients! Here are the 4 PRO Tips in creating Real estate YouTube Channels.
- Make engaging videos
- Informative map videos and vlogs
- Consistency
- Hiring Virtual Assistants (the right way)
Oh! and here is our 2021 production all from YouTube!!! It’s real and organic homies!

Pro Tip #1 - How to Get More Engagement on Your YouTube Videos
When it comes to engagement, Realtors always look for the nice comments, the likes, and praise from other Realtors but is that truly the engagement that we want on our real estate videos?
I am here to tell you NO IT’S NOT! I fell into this trap forever when I started shooting videos for real estate lead generation. All I cared about was views and I would do anything to get them. The routine was simple: shoot video, upload to YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, share to all the real estate video groups, share with my friends and family, share share share.

It wasn’t until I truly became a “YouTuber” (After 100’s of videos) and started focusing on how to grow a real estate YouTube channel that these tactics were KILLING my videos performance and my real estate business.
Average View Durations (AVD’s)
In order for you to get massive amounts of views on videos there has to be strong engagement, comments, shares, likes and dislikes. This engagement tells the social media platform that this video is keeping people's attention longer and they are engaging with it.
The more people engage and watch your video the longer your AVD is. The longer your AVD is the more the platform will recommend your video to others most likely to watch your video. When YouTube suggests your videos to those people I tend to get 60-75% longer AVD’s! This means they can feed more advertisements to the audience from your videos. The world is run on advertising budgets!


So how do we get more engagement on real estate YouTube videos? By ruffling some feathers! Video titles like “Pros and Cons of living in (city, State)” or “10 reasons you should NOT move to (City, state)” are certain to do so. This is a Realtor's biggest fear is to say 1 thing negative because we feel that deter anyone from moving to our city or to buy a home. That's why we say everything is so nice and cute, YUCK!
People want honesty and to relate with someone. We close 100’s of home sales from raving fans who have never asked how long we have been in real estate just merely “I watched your videos and love how real you are can you help me buy a house”?
This honesty is what causes the comment sections to erupt as well as not everyone will agree with your take just like when I say “If you don’t like guns then DO NOT move to Idaho” this has every local so proud and commenting “stay out of Idaho” and people moving to Idaho saying “I can’t wait to be able to open carry my pistol, I am moving from California” and others saying “guns should be banned”. Oh ya that's the one I like because I know the debate is on and now this video is going viral and I am going to get 100’s of reach outs from new clients!
Pro Tip #2 - Clients LOVE Map Videos and Real Estate Vlogs
Both these styles of videos have proven to be real estate lead machines on our real estate YouTube channels. Both these styles of videos I came up with after 100’s of videos failed miserably (property tours, inspection and escrow videos, etc). Both these styles of videos you need to start doing ASAP!
Map Video: Living in Kingwood Texas [EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW]

I found out that by sharing my screen and going over each of the areas of my market that people LOVED these videos because they have no idea what any of these areas look like or what area will fit their lifestyle best!
How I came up with this idea to do these map videos was completely by accident. When we started shooting real estate vlogs (I will explain next) in Portland Oregon my business partner Jesse would rattle off all these different cities and neighborhoods that we were right by. I was brand new to Portland Oregon and had no idea where he was talking about so when it came time to edit the videos I started to look up these areas he was talking about on the map!
Then I realized “well if I have no clue where he is talking about then the audience has no clue where he is talking about”. This led me to start putting B-Roll in my videos showing where Jesse was talking about and usually a reference to downtown Portland so people had an idea on its location, it looked like this below.

When I started incorporating these maps in my real estate YouTube videos the viewers went crazy thanking us and asking for more. It was then I knew people are trying to make the biggest decision of their lives to move to a new state and have zero clue where anything is. You can become the #1 YouTube Realtor in your market by just showing your city in detail with google maps!
YouTube for Realtors Vlog: Living in Houston Texas [FULL VLOG TOUR]

The YouTube for Realtor Vlog is the best video for real estate lead generation and it’s not close. One day I was doing keyword research on what YouTube videos to shoot when I uncovered some crazy truths about the difference between YouTube and Google.
One day I searched “Beaverton Oregon” in Google and discovered it was searched over 40,000 times a month. I did the same search in YouTube and found it was searched nearly 400,000 times a month. I said to myself “HOLY SHEET, people want to see these areas 10X more than they want to read about these areas” and that is when the real estate vlog was born!

We started shooting vlogs in every city around Portland Oregon and our clients and viewers begged for more! The leads started piling up with people begging to work with us and thanking us so much for finally showing them what it was like to actually live in these areas!
YouTube for Realtors is a must. This is a way that you can simply show and talk about your city with stories of being in those areas and attract your dream clients who CHOOSE YOU all because you fill them in on information about your city that you otherwise mainly take for granted.
Pro Tip #3 - Be Consistent
A question I get almost daily from Realtors is “Jackson, how many videos should I do every week for my real estate YouTube channel?"
This can easily be answered by saying “How many GOOD videos can you shoot, edit, upload, fill in with SEO and metadata, create thumbnails and schedule out”?
The hardest part of YouTube for Realtors is just this, staying consistent. We are not natural born video editors so this process can take a long time to figure out. Even worse, most Realtors struggle to even turn the camera on or they “freeze up” as soon as the record button is hit.

Your consistency will get destroyed by the mental aspect of this YouTube for Realtors game, trust me. I have been sent spiraling down into depression and wanting to quit a few times, it’s brutal. It all came from me knowing I had videos due this week and I just had no idea what to shoot.
Panic sets in, frustration has your head spinning, disappointment takes over. This can leave you feeling paralyzed and I know the feeling all too well BUT there is hope and a few things you can do to avoid this forever.
I got to a point (a few times) where I knew what I had to do for my business, and my family. I needed to have YouTube videos released every week so I took 1 day and wrote out 56 video titles. I took the next day and shot 4 weeks worth of videos for 3 channels.
- 4 for Portland Oregon
- 4 for Houston Texas
- 8 for Channel Junkies
I release 1 video a week for my real estate YouTube channels (I would do 2-3 a week if it was my only channel) and 2 a week for the Channel Junkies YouTube for Real Estate channel teaching YouTube for Realtors (your welcome!)
Now that I am 1 full month ahead at all times literally the stress is gone. NOW I had to block time every week to just shoot 1 weeks worth of videos which is Mondays from 10-12.
- 1 video for Portland
- 1 video for Houston
- 2 videos for Channel Junkies
All 10 other channels are now managed by my partner agent in that city and I can get an entire week of videos shot on Monday in 2 hours or less and I’M DONE for the rest of the week!
I feel better just writing this out hahaha and you will too homies!!
Pro Tip #4 - Hiring VA’s (Virtual Assistants)
Hiring VA’s will change your life 100%. I’ve heard it all too!
- I don’t have the money right now
- I tried one and they sucked
- My editor messed up my videos
- I have to do it, no one can do “it” like I can
Yup, this is exactly what I thought too but I was proven wrong time and time again. We are the creators and we are the Realtors and the rest should be handled by people who specialize in tasks like editing, thumbnail creation, and real estate YouTube channel management.
The most successful real estate YouTube channels I have ever seen come from those that are consistent with 2-3 videos every week and who delegate tasks so they can be that consistent PERIOD!

“I tried a video editor once, it was expensive and my video came out nothing like I hoped”. DO NOT hire a local editor as they want way too much money and typically do not work as fast as the VA’s overseas. YOU have to provide proper instructions to editors because they live OVERSEAS!
I label every clip I have in the order I want them, label every B-Roll clip, and provide explanation videos of my market so they know every city and suburb name and can easily follow my clips and make a perfect video. You need to do the same!
Once they get your style and edit a few videos you will need minimal instructions going forward. To this day I have not even watched my last 500 videos for my real estate YouTube channels, because the Fiverr editor I found 3 years ago is like an appendage off of me he knows me so well!
Oh and I tip him like a boss and always send him cash for the holidays!
I have a company that I currently use that edits all the videos for my channels. They upload them with titles, tags, SEO, thumbnails, and schedules them out.
This is the easiest way to stay consistent and make a bus load more money. If you want to schedule a call with them the company is ocean click tell them I sent you so they know you want REAL ESTATE YouTube management like mine. Book appointment here:
We have spent $10's of thousands of dollars and years perfecting the YouTube for Real Estate process and now we are partnering with agents all around the world and giving them private coaching and all of our courses FOR FREE! Zero splits Zero costs just 100% value because we know the more we help your business the more it helps us. No video experience needed but ONLY for those who want to take their business to the next level and WILL PUT IN THE WORK!
If you want to learn more about partnering with us at eXp Realty, getting all of our training and coaching 100% free letting us help you blow up your business shoot me an e-mail to [email protected]!
Cheers homies!