NO! We have several courses and trainings and they are available for everyone no matter what brokerage you are at! BUT those that do partner with us get every course and training free PLUS the Live channel consultations and coaching from Jackson Wilkey!

HELLLL NAHHH! we guarantee we give you the exact playbook on how to do it but all results are dependent on YOU and your efforts. You can see 1,000+ youtube channels across the country having wild success who follow our blueprint and put in the work but there are even more agents who take the training and never get started. But i cant fix that.

Agents who make the move to eXp Realty with Jackson Wilkey as their sponsor get all of his coaching, courses, and support at no cost. Our network truly wants everyone to win! Agents are also provided with the knowledge of systems and processes in order to grow their business. It's up to them to execute on this massive opportunity. 

Tons of our FREE content is already on YouTube but you also get Jackson Wilkey & Jesse Dau's YouTube for real estate agents course, private YouTube coaching from Jackson Wilkey and the team and Learn how to generate organic business. That's over a $20,000 value in itself. Not to mention any future courses released are also given to our agents AND agents on your team or you directly attract to eXp, Be on the lookout for those!

We show results all of the time on our YouTube channels as well as in our case studies page right here on this website. Our network is results driven teaching you how to grow your business. You will also see tons of other successful agents attest to the power of this network in our Facebook group Channel Junkies: YouTube for Real Estate. 

IF you are advertising a listing or running a homes list campaign we will need your images of the home. NOT someone else's images so that we both avoid all reasons for any litigation. 

We have 11 Real Estate YouTube channels across the country which most people know but I dont like to share those because it messes with my data and analytics. feel free to search and find them but where you can learn more about youtube for your business and also more about eXp realty and our partnership program go check out:

Channel Junkies - Jackson Wilkey

Cloud Based Real Estate Brokerage - Jesse Dau

Yes we do. This is a call where we can help you find and target the best keywords to shoot in your city. We can take a look at competitors (if there are any) and see where we can improve and pull ahead of them! We can inspect your thumbnails and do a deep dive into your analytics to see advantageous moves you can make to grow your channel. Lastly the most important aspect of the coaching call is learning the psychology behind story telling and the perfect video structure to create long average view durations (AVD's) so your videos will rank #1. Schedule here!

Beat em! its that simple. When you got your real estate license you didnt say "dang it there is 10,000 realtors already, I better go back to my job!"

The greatest part about our training is that it works and helps you rank videos. This will have clients watching your videos AND their videos. Then the client chooses who they like more which is why your dream clients will reach out to you saying "i watched all the other videos but I dont like their style, you are JUST LIKE ME!" Dream clients homie! Dont ever worry about other Realtors you just be you and you will never have competition!

This is a very complicated answer as there are many factors that contribute to this. Some markets like California, New York etc. do not have a mass migration in and the movement of home buying and selling is typically people in the city moving out and they already know the area pretty well. 

Markets like Idaho, Texas, Florida with massive inbound migration seem to produce quicker results.

Your videos play a massive roll. the more videos you shoot and begin to get comfortable on camera and tell stories the better they will perform and rank.

Lastly huge markets like Phoenix, Houston etc. have 10's of millions of videos with the city in the title so it can take longer to rank videos in those markets!

That said we have seen reach outs after the first video, closings in the first month 50 home sale in the first year and we have also seen no calls for months no closings for 6 months but it always ALWAYS works if people stay the course and stay consistent even through the hard times